
White Spur

Investigator holds the granted exploration licence (EL2/2020) in the highly mineral endowed Mount Read Volcanic belt of North-West Tasmania.

Identified through a “machine learning” or “neural analysis” exercise in targeting mineralisation similar to that at the significant Rosebery Mine (which has operated continuously from 1936, producing zinc, copper, lead and gold) and Henty Mine (produced approximately 1.3Moz gold since its commissioning in 1996), the 84km2 White Spur tenement lies immediately to the south of the Rosebery and historic Hercules zinc mines and west of, and adjacent to the Henty Mine.

No significant exploration effort has been undertaken on the area since 2013 when the presence of thallium, a known vector to massive sulphide mineralisation, was reported.

An initial work program has been prepared and field work will be undertaken subject to resource availability.

Investigator’s “White Spur” exploration licence application (subsequently granted). The EL is held via Gillies Resources – a 100% owned IVR subsidiary and is located on the West Coast of Tasmania, south of MMG’s Rosebery Mine and west of Diversified Minerals’ Henty Mine.

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