
Investigator hold more 700km2 within the highly prospective Curnamona Province, including EL 5938 (Wiawera), EL 6253 (Olary), EL 6345 (Treloars), and nearby EL 6192 (Plumbago).

The tenements are located within the Nackara-Arc of the Adelaide Superbasin 350 km from northeast of Adelaide and 100 km west of Broken Hill. The geology consists of strongly deformed Neoproterozoic siltstones, shales, sandstones and tillites of the Heysen Supergroup crosscut by mafic intrusive units.

Historic low impact exploration has been undertaken over the past 50 years by various explorers, however, sparse drilling has occurred. Previous exploration has largely focused on numerous historic copper-gold workings.

The project area is considered highly prospective for multiple mineral system models, including:

  • Structurally related poly-metallic (gold-silver-copper) mineralisation associated with Neoproterozoic units of the Adelaidean Sequence, relating to orogenic events;
  • Sedimentary hosted copper related to orogenesis and magmatic intrusions; and
  • Porphyry copper-gold mineralisation associated with intrusive Delamerian granitoids.

Investigator’s primary interest in the area is a large un-tested magnetic anomaly located within EL 5938 and EL 6345, that could represent a block of Paleoproterozoic basement or a Delamerian intrusive unit prospective for porphyry copper-gold. Preliminary geophysical investigation interprets the source of the magnetic anomaly to be approximately 400m below surface, with overlying soil geochemistry showing elevated As, Co, Cu, Au, La, Mo and Th anomalism.

Investigator have undertaken broad-scale soil sampling utilizing the UltraFine UFF+ analytical technique developed by CSIRO, targeting structurally controlled gold-silver-copper mineralisation associated with multiple historic workings. This work identified several highly anomalous values (10 x crustal abundance) of Cu, Bi, Pb, and Ag. These positive results are to be followed up with additional soil sampling and enhanced magnetic grids utilising innovative drone-borne magnetometer technology, aiming to better define prospective structures.

Exploration is being revitalised in the Curnamona province, particularly with Oz Minerals Ltd (ASX:OZL) taking an interest in Havilah Resource’s (ASX:HAV) Kalkaroo copper-gold-cobalt project and the continued success of the Broken Hill mine.

Investigator are keen to progress exploration on a number of exciting targets in this region.

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